Harry SegguFounder: The Sprouter. Author. Entrepreneur.

My name is Harry Seggu, author, magician, entertainer, martial arts enthusiast, lawyer, educator and online entrepreneur.

Yes, I wear many hats and I continue to test the limits of what I am capable of. I am constantly pushing the envelope, exploring the limits, and proving time and again that inspiration, motivation and perseverance can and will get you what you want.

I am the founder of 'The Sprouter' is a social enterprise that is devoted towards positivity, innovation, service and entrepreneurship. We are focused on empowering socially conscious change makers from all around the world.

Recent Answers

You could start by looking at your Unique Selling Position and define what is your product strength or value that you provide to the market place.

Do you have any competitors? Have you seen the USP and selling points? How do they position themselves? This would help you gain an idea on how to tweak your name. Your name does have an impact to your business. Perception counts at times so you might have to re-evaluate your positioning (the link) to your brand and the value that the delivers.

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