The best way to raise money is using websites like or Another approach is to put ads on your website (even though it's not done yet) and add a donation option to your website.
Hi: It sounds like your non-profit is in the early stages, so it's probably as rich in vision and mission as it is poor in cash. That's a great start. Now take that vision and mission and sell it to family, friends, colleagues and strangers. Open with what need exists, follow with what you're doi...
My recommendation would be to speak with a qualified attorney and accountant on this. For profit or "non-profit" in the end is really just a tax category (think of the NFL in the USA -- it's a "non-profit" entity -- I just read the NFL commissioner makes $29 million a year). Either type of en...
So, is the charity whats receiving the funding or is your for-profit company. From the sounds of it, it seems the for-profit company is more important than the for charity. I would raise money for your for-profit company and create a structure that when your "profit" company does "X,"you're not f...
Lots of different questions here. Volunteers are not considered donors in that they can't really deduct their volunteer-related expenses as donations. Nor can the entity claim them as revenue, unless the volunteers donate to the nonprofit and then the nonprofit buys their tickets. In general,...
For background, I'm an active board member for two charities, am a past board member of CIRA (which runs the .CA domain) and am a graduate non-profit governance essentials course from the Institute of Corporate Directors. I also built Canada's first crowdfunding website that distributed over $3m...
The best way to find board members is to find people in your industry (or market) that show signs of being someone who would enjoy being on your board. These are typically people who 1) Are on other boards similar to the kind of organization you're starting 2) Are part of organizations that giv...