This is a great idea. Initially, it sounds as though the centres are meant only for school children, as a form of guidance within the school as a non-profit. Depending on your target market, you may struggle to find clients that are willing to pay a monthly fee because they may feel that it's a ...
1. It's a nice idea - very similar to Houzz and a few other existing platforms - so you would need to find more of a niche. In order to tell you if it's viable, I/you would need to know how you intend on bringing traffic, what your conversion rate will be (visitor to buyer), how much it costs you...
The answer is "it depends". It depends on the following: 1) Your current 'runway': [How much money you have saved + Your current recurring income - Your current expenses]. 2) How much money it would take to develop a 'minimal viable product' (MVP) that would allow you to test your idea. (i.e. ...
Look for Amazon books with "Side Hustle" or "Work at Home" in the titles. Amazon sells numerous encyclopedia style books, some with 100s to 1000s of ideas listed.
You'll need to learn more about, and better define your two personas: A) The type of company willing to pay for t-shirt based advertising B) The type of person that will to wear it. To do this you'll need to access communities where you think those personas would hang out (either online, or in ...
The best step is to look at things in your everyday life, and figure out what are the pain points, or what can run smoother. Your best chance to get a business idea isn't from something that you know nothing about (for instance, I'm sure there are great ideas to start businesses in aircraft produ...
I've done this in the past. I find the best way is to do it in person. I made a habit of walking on my downtown street between lunch and asking the local business owners about their challenges of their business. I don't know if there's a number...I think idea extraction should become a part of yo...
If this idea already exists, who thinks exactly like you? There's only one of you. You can make a nice profit while helping others make their dreams come true. New companies are created everyday worldwide. Let's discuss this further on a call. If you do nothing, how are you impacting the world?
There are plenty of similar videos on the internet that are free. Examine the market and offer your service for free because if you want to make money you need a plan and a strategy. What I can tell you from personal experience .subscribe is good source of income but only if you know do you have ...
Really good question. You can do it via one of three ways: 1) Provisional Patent. if an implementation of their system to his new market would be patentable (i.e. using machine X to make donuts instead of jewelry), then you could file a provisional patent on the idea. Provisional patents are ver...