
Results for: Working Remotely

"As a remote worker, I found it important to schedule social times outside of work with friends and family. Keeping a consistent work schedule can help you schedule consistent time for socialization. An example could be to mimic an in-person work schedule, for example working from 9 am to 12pm, t...


Here are some things you should read to start making yourself an idea about it: Also you sho...


I've been a freelancer/contractor/solopreneur since 1974. My advice... Do freelance. Don't work for one company. In other words, have many clients. Be sure to arrange your hourly/ad-hoc work so it drives to some form of continuity. Work hard, till you have your first $10K/month of continuity...


Hi! My clients have successfully hired VA's through Linkedin by submitting a 3 steps hiring process with a pre-qualification and assessment build in. Also, when people continue to leave your company, I usually look into how clear is the direction of the company, is there a concise mission and v...


You could: 1. make a connection between per project and equity allocation - so each time they complete a project, they get a small % of equity. Research has shown that people prefer small payouts than one big payout at the end (ppl can't postpone their desires...). 2. Keep them involved in the d...


I live in Tucson when I'm not traveling. It's very cheap and very beautiful. There's a large community of triatheletes that live here for the abundance of bike and running trails as well as amazingly beautiful pools. Get me anytime if you want to know more. Hope this helps.


It really depends on your relationship with this person, which I didn't think you mention. Do you know him and trust him? If you trust him that's fine. The only issue I see is the time zone difference, you'll just have to work it out between the two of you.


Greetings as an expert for small and medium enterprises I have been working on the internet for over 10 years and helping others to work on it. I would suggest 15 minutes of calls to introduce you to the problems you may facing.send me a private message in my inbox how would I analyze your case a...


Hi, Interesting idea. My only concerns are these: 1. Budget limitations...companies would still have to pay for a whole month of rent + travel + food...etc. 2. Many (most?) employees have families - so leaving them for a whole month might be difficult and not in their interest. Good luck I've ...


A way that you can help your team is to communicate expectations clearly and early. This includes team meetings, how you work together, and 1-2-1s with managers to see how everything is going. It’s important that managers or team leaders have clearly communicated with their team what project mile...


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