
Results for: Networking

I have provided digital marketing and e-commerce advice to clients here in the US as well as Dubai and South Asia. My understanding of your challenge is creating a social network that would rival LinkedIN on a more local level. The solution to a successful network is always an engaged user base, ...


Many people use this business model + it breaks my first rule. "Every action must drive to continuity." The challenge with this business model... Once you've made the introduction, how do you get paid... well even once + more importantly over + over again. One way to resolve this challenge is...


Pretty vague question...the more details you provide, the better answers you'll get. Instead of looking for the magic bullet, you have to DECIDE how you're going to make money from your professional network. What kind of people is it made up of (there's that need for details again)? What would t...


Without some more information on what you're trying to achieve, I'm not sure you'll find many experts who can weigh in. Your question is somewhat vague. Consider booking a meeting with an expert in the open source or social media industry. I'm sure they would love to help. All the best, -Shaun


Here's your big challenge. The movers + shakers are busy working, so likely you'll only have people on your site which... aren't working... aren't movers + shakers... have free time to network... The best way I've found to make connections with great people is to contact them about an interview...


What your trying is one approach to finding investors. Here's another that in my experience is far more effective. I'd tap your network, and it's probably actually a lot bigger than you think! Linkedin is the perfect tool for this. Look for people you're connected to, that you trust, and that are...


I make a point of introducing myself to people online who are unlikely to become clients. You for instance. That's not altruism. It's curiosity. Learning about other people's business models, industries, unique challenges and goals -- even absorbing their phrases, vocabulary, and style -- prep...


The best networking is slow-cooked, not microwaved. Find events where you can have some kind of regular presence. Got nothing to lose by going to one-time events as they're good practice for meeting people, but you won't really cultivate long-term professional relationships that way. It takes ...


You have to offer something different, and specialization is a great way to build mass. Friendster and MySpace were open to anyone from the start. It's harder to manage growth of a community in that way. Facebook, by restricting its use to college students first, then to graduates with alumni em...


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