Take half the money and start a business, it will likely fail. You will also learn a great deal. Take the other half of what you would have spent on university and start your next business. You will have a better outcome. I spent 10 years after getting my BBA degree un-learning what I was tau...
A great structure is having an internal champion present on each team, unit, office, etc. that can easily provide answers to benefit questions. This structure is particularly important if the company is spread across several locations without HR on the ground in each locale. On the more proacti...
The easiest way would probably be to join a recruiter clack group (e.g. https://weirdlyhub.com/peoplepeople-slack-community-recruiters-hr/) and reach out to people there. You could also do a search on LinkedIn for: 'recruiter', and if you have a particular geographic area you want to focus on ju...
The only quantitate criteria for our recruiters in an engineering company is to get s""t done: mainly how long you get the right fit in the position and if those hired people are quality with their meeting milestones. Remember to target quality and not quantity. Hope i gave you something differen...
A lot of the decision involved in this depends on the job functions and sometimes, the state you are located in. There are many legal issues surrounding hourly vs. salary. There is "salary-exempt" and "salary non-exempt". Exempt employees don't receive overtime pay; nonexempt employees do. The...
There are two parts to your question. I will answer the second one first. Remote hiring isn't as remote as it once was. After rule in age of telephones, Skype, and FaceTime, you can spend a lot of time with someone evaluating them even though they may be in another city. As for best practices,...
To formulate a strategy that is a match for the outcome you are trying to accomplish we would have to further understand your business model, the issues you are encountering, and many other business specific questions. I would love to help and talk further about this.
This depends upon where you are in the start-up continuum. If you are still in search of a viable business model (i.e. the start-up phase) then the "multiple hats" scenario is spot on. In this phase the key is to discover that which is repeatable and scalable. In other words - to put your energy...
So do it. As consultants, it is incredibly easy to work remotely with modern technology. What do you see holding you back? To attract new prospects, you can have a website and publish authoritative content targeting your ideal customer base. For lead generation, you can host webinars or onlin...
Well, let me start by saying this. You may need to change some policies upon your companies behalf in order for them to actually obey and follow through with upholding the new law in CA. If you could provide further detail to as of what exactly the new law is, and how it complies with your contra...