
Results for: Funding

While there is potential value in your industry databases and reports, that value is worth nothing if there isn't a customer on the other end. In order to viably approach external funding sources, you will likely need to bootstrap and iterate your business model until you show that your product h...


If you are having doubts about taking the money then don't do it. The reality is that as an investor, a day will come when you are succeeding and there is room for a lot of growth - you are there now. If you think you don't need them, either raise the amount or lower their stake to were it is as ...


Hey if you want to call me i will explain you everything you want to know.


I can absolutely help with funding and series A. There are many questions I have for you before I can make any intros. I live in silicon valley and personally know many VC's. Schedule a call and we can take it from there.


I think you might find more luck with a question like, "How do I sell a dream?" or "Want to know how I can make you rich?" I am going to assume you are looking for funding, because you are trying to capitalize an idea, and that you'd rather convert someone else's money into energy and accelerati...


HelIo, I personally recently raised $1.2M seed investment for my own startup after one year of networking events, startup competitions and pitch sessions. Today I work for a network of 800 US Family Offices as external advisor. We are looking to invest in US based companies for series A,B,C round...


It really depends on a lot of factors (i.e. type of business you are in, how much cash intensive it is ...). As a general rule though, I would advice you to BOOTSTRAP AS LONG AS IT IS POSSIBLE. Bootstrapping has a lot of advantages, nonetheless that you get in lean mode and make the best of e...


Did you checkout ? It does not matter where you are. Most of the Angel or Seed investors associated to startup accelerators in US or UK are accessible to anyone in the world as l...


I think if you're going to pursue a studio approach, you should assume that you will not be able to raise much in the way of outside equity funding. Most investors do not want to invest in a team that is pursuing multiple projects at the same time for a variety of reasons. To the extent that ...


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