Online marketplaces are typically valued by revenue, community engagement and potential. What is the company's current growth, what is the rate of growth, what is the market share potential, how it is the market, and what are the opportunities that the company affords. These all play a part in va...
The NFT Marketplace is a platform for buying and selling non-fungible tokens, such as rare or limited edition collectibles. The marketplace allows people to search for collectibles and set their own prices, which is particularly helpful in finding the right buyer who offers the best price. Here a...
Check out They are made for marketplaces. Airbnb CEO among others invested in them and they have some of the best pricing/payout fees. Also some good info on One of Balanced Payme...
Hi First of all - good luck. Second, I ALWAYS advise on doing market research and validation. The ratio of time versus value is always in favor of doing validation. I've successfully helped over 300 entrepreneurs and would be happy to help you if you need. Just send me some background info by e...
First you'll need the 'sellers'. To get them to sign up you'll first need a website set up that looks professionally made to the extent that one could conceivably believe that it would attract 'buyers' to use its services. Then, do research on how best to find sellers that would be appropriat...
Reviews are a powerful capability that gives credibility for transparency. You also have to be prepared for those open conversations - as you know from referencing those three sites. This means committing to authenticity (as cooked reviews are a major mistake some have attempted) and navigating t...
Clarity has dozen's of experts in this area - some are list here: and here: My favorites are - Micha Kaufman (Founder/CEO @ https://clari...
It depends on a number of factors but I'd boil it down to two key things to start: 1) What is your real cost to provide a free plan or trial? 2) Who exactly is your customer and what are they used to paying and who and how do they pay today? When you say "online workforce marketplace" it sounds ...
Your absolute first step is to gauge interest. Without demand, you will end up wasting your time and resources building something nobody wants. Find a need, know it inside and out, then build the solution to that need. Don't just talk to you friends and family (they are biased). Talk to the re...
This sounds like an exciting venture and a worthy cause, EdTech is a hot space right now, and rightly so. Something to consider first of all is whether you want to build an MVP or a basic prototype. If you are digitizing something which already exists, and therefore the need and model is proven...