It's becoming more and more difficult for patent trolls to litigate with the current discussions in Congress. It really depends of your market. If it's involving software patents, it's even harder. At Nesting Partners my firm actually bring patents to life then to product then to market to exit!...
A provisional patent is good for two things. It is a date-stamped proof of invention and gives you time to determine whether to incur the cost of filing a full patent. Yes, so long as the individual component pieces you think are useful are sufficiently described in detail within the one genera...
First of all, what you have is a provisional patent **application**. For now, the provisional patent application is not publicly available. This can be a big advantage to you. You can use this time to improve your invention and file additional provisional applications. If you don't plan on making...
Get Legal Shield coverage (Ada Oklahoma company). Then you can simply bankrupt any patent troll who comes after you. I can tell you from personal experience, bankrupting people who sue you is highly gratifying. I've done this twice now. Each time I get sued, I'm filled with glee, because this...
Spending $100,000 on patent discovery is excessive. We can an exhaustive study for $2000. However, an initial study can be done for as low as $250.
Since you do not have a duty to disclose prior art to the USPTO, you could approach your competitor and try to negotiate a license for their patent pending technology. However, there are two caveats to this approach. First, your competitor does have a duty to disclose prior art to the USPTO. If ...
I'm not totally sure that you have to know the correct class in order to file a patent. I was under the assumption that it was the patent examiners job to ultimately determine this. With that said, I'm sure it's quite important to know what class you'll end up in and this should help you complete...
Hi Sounds amazing. Although I am an attorney, I do not work in India. That said, I have an amazing attorney in India who I am sure can assist (I do not know his fees). If you're interested in an introduction, feel free to reach out (free of course). Good luck
I am assuming you are in the US? I'll assume you are. The fact that the patent has been approved proves that in the it can be, its a precedent and US law is precedent bound. As for lawyers, no you'll have to pay for your own lawyers.
Simple answer. Assign the ownership of the patent prior to closing any investment that is sufficient to market validate your invention. Investors will require an absolute assignment of ownership of any intellectual property. Given that you don't actually have a patent yet, you will be doing a ...