It all depends on your marketing communications strategy and the actual tactics that you execute. Some businesses find either social platform to perform better than the other one, sometimes both, sometimes neither. For example, based on my own experience, food blogs do great on Pinterest when the...
Hey! That's a great question and of course there are many answers but I'll give you my two cents based on my expertise and hope it will help you on your way... If you want to drive traffic the fastest way possible, you can use various paid methods like Facebook Ads or Google Adwords. They are b...
First - make sure you forget the jargon, like the word 'entrepreneur'; the word 'marketing' has been widely adopted and now everyone and their mothers are 'marketers' when in reality maybe they are 'sales persons' or 'advertisers' or 'network marketers' (sales people technically but relying heav...
I personally have had success with the Google Keyword Finder. This is part of the Google Adwords program for estimating keyword traffic and since Google has statistics on everyone's surfing and search habits, this is your best bet. My advice to you is that before you try estimating server traffi...
This question needs a bit more detail to be answered specifically, but long story short you will need to pay for it. Based on your audience, goals and objectives, you can fine tune the targeting to ensure you are paying for qualified traffic. You can also start cranking out and distributing con...
Obviously, no 2 situations are alike; and multiple factors affect any outcome. Practically, the number of answers is infinite. But one factor I've looked at intensively, full time for years is the role played by the brand name and/or the site's domain(s). Think of doing business -- online or o...
I use Google Search. You can write your own scraper (if you're very smart), or purchase one off the shelf.
Here you can find a solution:
It depends on how your going about marketing yourself. It will have no effect on organic SEO, however if you are marketing via TV or radio where people have to remember and then go to the computer and type it yes most people will falsely remember .com and not .net. The tradeoffs could be minimal...
2 different solutions: #1: Ad Proxy They serve ads throughout the web and these websites act as referrals in order to gather statistics about the Ads. #2: Fake Referrals The websites use bots in order to fake referrals and appear on analytics tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel. Either way...