
Results for: Product Strategy

You can raise funds if your service generates good traction and you manage to get long term subscriptions. Your clients will play a significant role in the funding process by providing their positive feedback and the prospects of the business in long run. You can run a survey asking your customer...


Intercept the market with a mix of offerings from premium to main stream; you should have something for everyone.


Hello! This is a good question because it embodies several areas of consideration. I have experience in UXUI not as a designer but as startup founder and QA Consultant for many brands and startups. Not to mention working directly with UXUI designers for the past 10 years or so. If you are get...


I can relate to where you're coming from for a couple of reasons. One, I love technology, yet I define myself more as a creative person who loves to write. As an employee, I was on both sides of the fence. For many years I was a software developer and systems analyst. And I've also been copywrite...


Great question, I have launched a few digital products and have helped others do the same. The steps can be as simple as: Setup a PayPal link and send it out to people or can involve complex applications. Without knowing the exact nature of the product or service in mind here are some general st...


I've been in ecommerce for over a decade and have co-founded and helped start companies collectively driving over $10MM in ecommerce sales. I've consulted for Fortune 500 ecommerce stores. Here's my advice if you're just getting started without a big budget. Note: Some of this is copied from m...


The best way to approach this problem is by identifying primary pain points that users share and focus on those feature-wise, a common denominator of some sorts. These pain points need to be very high/strong though to be valuable for multiple target audiences. If you're facing two target markets...


The "important attributes" of any product are typically determined by your target market and vary significantly, but broadly speaking "ease of use" for the customer could be added to your list.


I'm a CBD expert! I'd love to speak more on this and make your cbd development process easy and successful!


Think about the entire sense of the product that the consumer gets, this includes your website, what you sound like on the phone if/when they call, your logo, the packaging of your product, etc. These are all relatively small things that you could tweak that would have a disproportionally large e...


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