there is no PCI compliance requirement for consumer devices and the mobile apps running on those devices.
Easily the best tool out there is Not only does it make importing employee databases super simple it provides next gen security to profiles and all cloud sharing and it has a top of the line auditing system. Easily a one stop shop that will change how you manage ...
Most businesses operating within the U.S. are obligated to file federal income tax returns, as well as state tax returns depending upon the state from which the business operates, the residency of its owners, and the business activities of the company. There are also additional filing requiremen...
Hi, I specialize in healthcare startups and have helped start and grow numerous healthcare organizations from IT to Clinical. It sounds like much of the work you are asking about can be done without an attorney or with less help from an attorney if you do much of the work up front. It has been m...
If the person doesn't have a patent, trademark, or copyright on the thing you want to copy, then you can copy as much as you want. Current IP law in the USA is "first to file" (see: If the person has any of those things, and you wa...
Hi there! In my experience, governance is often considered a function of a legal department, so approaching a VP Legal, or an Ombudsman/Business Compliance Manager may be of value. They'd warm to a risk-reduction positioning, with the compelling factor of avoiding legal issues, government fines,...
These are very good questions to start with. In addition, Make sure you cover the following bases: 1. Security - viruses are just one thing, ask them about pen testing done, system stability, fallback options, rollback plans for deployments/changes, make them reassure you that they are rock sol...
I'm not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. I recommend finding a lawyer and an accountant that specialize in crowdfunding. Legislations on crowdfunding is constantly changing so keeping up with it on your own will be a nightmare. These types of platforms are still relatively new so It might b...
There are several ways in which a company can formally accept software from 3rd party developers. One of the most popular methods is to form an agreement with the developer wherein they will sign a contract and make it clear that they have developed a piece of software for you. Once you have sign...
You will need a privacy policy setting out the tools you use, the data they collect and the options to object to the collection. Additionally, you will need to give notice to the right to deletion and rectification as well as the contact point for data protection issues. If the GDPR applies to yo...