Without knowing a lot about your company, the fact that innovation is one of your core strengths, leads me to believe that you have a transformational mindset. There are "Transactional" CEOs and "Transformational" CEOs, and few companies in existence these days will go far (or even exist much lo...
In the clients I have worked with, the buzzword I'd use is "alignment". Alignment between your organization and this prospective CEO, in terms of values, vision and execution. Assuming for a moment that you'd only look at experienced people that have some level of skill to speak of, think not o...
Startup recruiting is really a full-contact sport that must be played to win by the Founder(s) of the Company. If you want to hire the best possible talent, you must be as focused on this task as you are a fundraising round (in other words, completely focused on it until it's DONE). Great techn...
This is a common problem. Here are some solutions (some more obvious and some less): 1. Make sure you hire skilled workers. This can be done by using service providers who you reached through recommendations (preferably from people that you know) and if you don't have any other choice: then base...
There are two parts to your question. I will answer the second one first. Remote hiring isn't as remote as it once was. After rule in age of telephones, Skype, and FaceTime, you can spend a lot of time with someone evaluating them even though they may be in another city. As for best practices,...
To start out the definition of "marketing" has been totally been siewed for the last 10 years. Most young people today think it means advertising online, SEO, and the remainder think it means graphic design and flyers. Just like marketing could mean a lot of things digital marketing can also mea...
Exciting times. When I read between the lines having faced a similar decision on more than one occasion, I see all the missed opportunities from having been too busy personally to be as effective as needed. The good news, there is but one weakest link in any system and that includes your business...
DO NOT hire a BD person. First, a startup with <$10m/yr revenue almost surely has nothing to offer another company that is interesting to them for BD. Not enough attention, not enough users, not enough revenue-sharing, etc.. BD only works when BOTH sides move the needle on something important ...
First start by focusing more into solutions and less on the problem. 59 years old is not old, it's just right for opportunity and experience. If you are not aware of your strengths and the things you do well, I suggest you visiting a local workforce or educational institution and ask for a car...
Kudos to you for seeing the value in great copy. I love that you mentioned 37signals, which is an organization that's made copywriting part of almost everyone's jobs (or so they've shared on their blog). MailChimp and Zendesk are two others that people often point to re: great copy that builds a ...