The best way to raise money is using websites like or Another approach is to put ads on your website (even though it's not done yet) and add a donation option to your website.
Yes, the IRS does recognize their role as non-profit volunteers and I'll list some of what they can deduct from their taxable income. They can choose between deducting gas/oil used or mileage. If they don't have their own transportation they can deduct subway, bus, or taxi fare. They can also ded...
I am not a tax expert and this is not legal advice. But I believe that the only reason to secure a 501c3 (as opposed to one of the designations for a nonprofit membership group) would be to provide tax deductions to donors. If all you need is an entity that won't pay income tax (like a fraternal ...
This is not a sarcastic comment: you hire a marketer or marketing firm that knows what they are doing. Marketing is a science and art that requires skill-- it's like a doctor/surgeon for your company. You wouldn't do open heart surgery on yourself-- why would you try to do surgery on your compa...
So, is the charity whats receiving the funding or is your for-profit company. From the sounds of it, it seems the for-profit company is more important than the for charity. I would raise money for your for-profit company and create a structure that when your "profit" company does "X,"you're not f...
My recommendation would be to speak with a qualified attorney and accountant on this. For profit or "non-profit" in the end is really just a tax category (think of the NFL in the USA -- it's a "non-profit" entity -- I just read the NFL commissioner makes $29 million a year). Either type of en...
Hi: It sounds like your non-profit is in the early stages, so it's probably as rich in vision and mission as it is poor in cash. That's a great start. Now take that vision and mission and sell it to family, friends, colleagues and strangers. Open with what need exists, follow with what you're doi...
Hi. In reality, there may not be much of a difference. in reality a non-profit or for-profit enterprise will need to generate revenue and will have expenses. Some social enterprises (like the "B corps") then say they will give back all the "profits" as a social enterprise. All good stuff. ...
It's a very nice and worthy idea. Please kindly note that there already are a few of these platforms (but maybe there is room for more - perhaps if you add something unique to the model). Examples: https://www.g...
I agree with Mark in that it truly depends what you’re trying to accomplish. Is this a business that you plan on keeping for yourself and/or family, or is there a different exit strategy in place such as selling the brand, an IPO, or being acquired by another company. When it comes to busines...