
Results for: Display Advertising

[Source: I founded isocket, a 'thought leader' ad tech startup] Allow me to try and demystify that Luma Partners graph that you linked to. It's a great graph and Terry has done a good job building it, but it strikes fear into new people like you - and sometimes, like any data source, it can be ...


AdsML could be relevant. Their website looks like there's nobody home but the xml tech behind it would still be valid, however and is described on the site. As CEO of an online advertising software company, we contributed expertise, defining concepts and working out methods ...


I use ad monetization tactics to drive revenue for global mobile game brands. (Phase 10, Skip-Bo, Scattergories, etc.) Finding a way to monetize your users with ads without pushing them away is definitely a delicate balance. Answering your questions depends on 4 main factors: 1) Type of App 2) N...


Just a thought from someone currently working on marketing his own firm online: Ideally, your existing customers would be so happy with your product, that they would write about you in those forums. Could you help them do that, or lead their attention to it? Or - if you think that is unethical -...


1. Would be great if you can tell us more about your audience. 2. Do you have data sets available about your users. Age, gender, income, etc because if you don't have that then don't expect to get paid top dollars. 3. I don't think you need to build anything at all. Instead of using an Ad netwo...


You can approve your AdSense by compliting the minimum number of visitor people in a day and this is done by posting about your game on social media that is mostly used. Thank you Any other questions please ask.


Source: I founded a major display ad tech business. (What about Google's prediction of $100B by 2017?) I believe there are a few key things that need to change: Publishers need to wake up and stop forcing buyers to use old school hand-to-hand combat direct sales methods (where 70% of the curre...


The answer depends on your situation: You could be a start-up that is more concerned with not blowing tons of money, or you could be in a rush to be done. In both situations, your objective is to find inventory sources that work quickly and then massively scale into those inventory sources. I am ...


This falls outside my field; but in the absence of responses from others, I'll throw in my 2 cents. Yes, photographs will communicate emotion more viscerally and more immediately to a wider audience than would mere graphic design. It would take a rare painter to equal an average photographer fo...


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