
Results for: Live Events

Depends on your goal. Many times leveraging is a far better solution. Also using Direct Mail, rather than Digital Marketing, for Virtual events can be highly effective because hardly anyone is willing to do the minimal work required to do Direct Mail. If you do this minimal ...


It's hard to tell from your question what you have / don't have. Do you have an MVP? Do you have people using the 'discovery tool' yet? It will be hard to get any restaurant to pay you anything unless you have a deployed MVP already. You'll need to show them actual data of the value of your too...


Excellent question, there's a couple factors that must be first addressed to give you the most effective answer: -Are the 75 participants loyal, returning guests or are they generally new faces? -Do you offer upsells at this event? This opens the potential to reduce ticket door revenue to inc...


Best to start with your target outcome. Is your target to generate more income or prestige or just contribute. Start with your target + work backward. Also, niche/topic of your training is important. For example, if your topic relates to (or can be related to) WordPress, then you can go on th...


I think your best bet for an answer has three answers, 1. You need to take the time and call around, no one is going to do this for free for you. 2. Hire a function planner, and let them do the work 3. go to, and hire a person to do all that research for you, and get your answ...


You would have to apply for non profit status, which means you would have to incorporate as one of the 29 different 501c classifications. Since I don't know of the details of your business model I would not be able to say for certain, but it is contingent on your company fitting the description o...


As someone who has made this transition, it's too long for this answer box. I did, however, make a website about it: Briefly, in the long term, you've got to shift your mindset from a service model to a products model. In the short term, you need to do more marketing, mo...


Hi, Doing lunch and learns is a great way to get the word out about your business. Here's the catch; who are you selling to? Employees may be very interested in what you have to say but do they get to make decisions on how training budgets are spent? It's a real question. In some businesses ...


You must be very careful about this type of loan, as doing this wrong can have profound tax effects. This is called imputed interest penalty. So the IRS can determine a loan was paid back incorrectly + ascribe some random interest rate, then require you pay back taxes + penalties on whatever rate...


If the investor is spending his precious time meeting with you, then I assume he has at least some interest in your event. If that's the case, then in my opinion, yes it would be a nice gesture and appreciated. Good luck with your pitch!


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