
Results for: Music Industry

Here's a funding route I love for all sorts of situations: Start small, and go directly to your intended audience. Use a pre-sale campaign with a tilt mechanism (one that requires crossing a certain threshold before anyone is charged - so that you can ensure you will cover your costs and not l...


A fresh game plan is key. I've been there. Every artist is different. I'd suggest creating categories for the level each artist is at. I look at them as race horses. Each horse daily changes its location around the track- until someone wins at something. Managers have a super hard job of constant...


Both answers so far are good. Especially the info about having great songs. I think it's so competitive out there that my suggestion to you is to focus on developing relationships with artists you believe in. If you write songs with them and they value your writing contribution, you will have a c...


Do you have a community or "tribe" or current followers or listener? Engage with them. Ask. Focus. #deliver - michael vizdos


When it comes to idea validation, get testing now. Pick a few artists from different forms of entertainment and see if you can start making them streams of revenue with your idea. If you can, great. You now have case studies to work with. You have something robust to pitch. More importantly, you...


Make certain songs or part of songs, interviews, etc available until you get X amount of thumbs up on Youtube or Likes on Facebook. Gate it so they have to bring a crowd to open up the doors to new content.


I would suggest spending some money and cash hanging out at bars where some of these bands perform, Also, try to find a way backstage to talk to the musicians after they perform to do your research. If you're going after well-off musicians, contact their agents or band managers. They are always l...


Focus on your audience, not on yourself. Focus on the one thing -- not three things, and certainly not fifteen -- that makes your company distinctive from your competition. Think about your brand personality: cute and perky? bold and strong? serious and thoughtful? Now look for vocabulary and c...


You must be very careful about this type of loan, as doing this wrong can have profound tax effects. This is called imputed interest penalty. So the IRS can determine a loan was paid back incorrectly + ascribe some random interest rate, then require you pay back taxes + penalties on whatever rate...


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