
Results for: Online Advertising

(Background: I founded the largest marketplace for direct ad sales. Powers sites like Microsoft, Aol, Gawker, etc) If you want to sell ads directly to advertisers... that's awesome, but recognize it takes more work than just dropping AdSense on your site. I'm glad you're thinking of it like "how...


I think the problem is not in pain relief but in using the words healing if you don't have data. Relief is measureable yes, but its also very subjective to the person. Take in consideration Chiropractors ( or Magnetic Physiotherapists ( - these servi...


You should first figure out your audience more specifically. Females 15-40 is very broad. Will all of that audience like the 1 product you have..? Get specific before you advertise. For example - you are selling iphone cases so you would ideally like the ability to target only people with iphone...


[Source: I founded isocket, a 'thought leader' ad tech startup] Allow me to try and demystify that Luma Partners graph that you linked to. It's a great graph and Terry has done a good job building it, but it strikes fear into new people like you - and sometimes, like any data source, it can be ...


I'd recommend doing it yourself using techniques commonly referred to as 'growth hacking'. There are a lot of resources on the web to learn, but here is a very thorough and cheap intro: (Sometim...


I'd suggest that "best" depends on who you're targeting and what your conversion goals are. Have a look at Facebook ads, I've had better performance there recently.


I agree entirely with what Corey has written. Landing pages NEED to be 100% mobile compatible. Every part of it. I was using an email pop up that would look perfect on a full browser. On a mobile device it was a total nuisance and wouldn't allow the user to easily get rid of it. Also, with rega...


Yes. Use the "Link Text" in your facebook ads to A/B test various domain names. To do this, simply launch a few identical ads, and only change the link text to say the variation of the domain name you are considering. The ad with the highest CTR (not conversion rate or other KPI) will be th...


I would invest in Instagram advertising. Your target market uses Instagram heavily, so this will be an effective use of advertising dollars. Any kind of social media advertising will get you exposure with these age groups. You might set up a twitter account if you haven't already. You can promot...


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