
Results for: Mentoring

Hello there, amazing person! I have yet to know how large the pool of mentors here is however I can say one thing and that is that, no matter what you need.There's someone out there that specializes in your preferred area, whether it's within psychology, technology, branding or just business gene...


A mentor should consist of 3 things 1. Have a track record, be knowledgeable and connected in your the area of your startup (e.g. real-estate, fashion or semi-conductors, building a startup, writing a book) 2. Share your vision 3. You should think he's cool and he should think you're cool If yo...


Anybody who was ever a child (which is everyone, obviously) or read a book (which isn't everyone, unfortunately) has benefitted from others' knowledge and connections. Most of us human beings mentor others off and on in various capacities. But it's pretty rare (outside of parenthood) to find a l...


A mentor should be someone who has successfully accomplished a goal that you wish to accomplish or have great insight. I personally would like a mentor that is helpful, patient, provides good direction, and doesn't mind communicating with me.


Some key differences to consider: - Coaching is based most often on a monthly retainer. Mentoring can be as well, but is usually offered without a fee, often based on a personal request or referral. - Coaches rarely give advice, coming from the perspective that the client has the answers within...


Hello, My name is Erik and I'm a Call Center Expert and Senior Analyst Programmer. I've been working on employee/leaders productivity since more than 15 years. I suggest prior to establish an evalutation form, you must align clear revenues and profits goals and also layout your top social value...


I was born a maker, and I've been an Entrepreneur for six years now (and a wannabe for much longer before that) and I think the worst advice I've got was from people who had never taken a step of the journey. People with academic (or other) credentials who advise you based on theory and complete...


As a 500 Startup mentor I would suggest the following 1) Blog about distribution, design and data. Those are the things that 500 values most and usually the fastest way to get on their radar. 2) Interact with @davemcclure (and all other partners) on Twitter 3) Attend geeks on a plane or other eve...


Great question! I recently came across a mentoring website called which could be a great place to start. Additionally, I like this site as well: One final way you can approach this especially if you are looking to start a business is to ...


Hi there Sounds like a great challenge - would love to bounce some ideas around with you. I've been building businesses for over 12 years now and have consulted with numerous global brands on business strategy, marketing programs, business model design, and digital marketing. Let me know? Best...


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