
Results for: Facebook Pages

It depend of if they have security settings that their accounts could tagged anonim posts.


Most of those are very good at syndicating content. Because Facebook doesn't do much in terms of copyright infringement, people can take great content from other places and use it for their own pages. If you do that and include a paid strategy behind it, you have the ability to grow your page qui...


Hi there, it depends on what your end goal is. Are you looking for page likes or you want to send traffic to a landing page on your website in order to get leads or sales? If you can give more clarity on what your business is about and what you are trying to achieve, then I'll be able to give y...


Why don't you put "Company" from the beginning? Your branding should also reflect this without losing the sense of community, no matter how big it gets.


I own / operate physical therapy clinics in the Denver Metro area and have been effectively generating leads and generating new patients online for the last 3 years. And the cost of acquisition is surprisingly low (from as little as $0 if you do some of the things in-house to less than $100 for t...


just do your pramotion on comments section in other websites like linkedin, instagram, and facebook too


Putting aside the legal question for the moment, here's a bigger problem I think you will be facing: Of what benefit will users or advertisers have for this service? As I current understand what you are doing, this is asking to be abused on multiple angles. First, it only benefits advertisers ...


You're question is phrased oddly. Unsure if you're trying to... 1) Auto post Facebook content to a WordPress site... or... 2) Auto post WordPress content to a Facebook page. My guess is #2, so you'll use or something similar. You must be very careful about how exactly y...


The nature of this questions is shaky. Do you want an entire strategy outlined here? Are those 5K friends relevant at all? Are they targeted and engaged followers? With organic reach so low, I wouldn't be excited if those 5K people went straight over to his fan page. In the end, what does th...


Conversion at the page level is often impacted by who is showing up - and could be indicative of a mismatch between the ads you are running, the audience they attract, and the messaging on the landing page on arrival. You're also asking for both a phone number and an email address - while offeri...


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