
Results for: Product Marketing

Sorry, but this question is a bit backwards. You need to have an audience/need for your product or service BEFORE you create it. Having said that, I'd go back to the basics: a) create a niche b) determine an ideal client profile c) design a business plan


You answered your own question when you said "I built it for me, but feel that it has commercial viability for many others." Other than what you said, what problem did you design it to solve? Who are "many others"? What problem do they have? Why not cruise the Excel forums on the MS support s...


I think you build the fundation beautifully yourself in your "About us": "RealTalk is a new age social media, semi-anonymous platform for you to be your true self without filters. We want to provide you a safe space, free from any toxic validation and judgemental remarks. Unbottle as much as you ...


You can only solve a big problem that changes the world if you solve a problem that is deeply personal to you. Two great examples and why they worked: Roy Raymond was a sad pervert. He'd buy bras and panties at the department store and all the clerks thought their thoughts about him. Roy felt...


You mention, that you can code and maintain yourself, and at the same time it sounds like your data can be dispersed across multiple sources. And you want to minimise license cost. In my business we use R a lot for both analysis and reporting. It is free (open source), but you will have to build...


Congrats! You've solved the first big problem, having a few happy customers who love your product/service. Questions you need to think about (and the traction book is the absolute best resource I'd recommend to DIY growth). 1. How many customers do you need/want to pick up in the next 6m, next 1...


You've already received a lot of good ideas and suggestions and I've looked at your website. I suggest you add a "How it works" one minute video. Also I clicked the samples section and I still couldn't get it. If you are looking for people who would sell your product on a commission basis, that ...


Hi! First of all I recommend to make a pitch deck for yourself that completely describes your product, user needs, market and theirs validation and lay down money after you will be confident with that document on proof of concept (it will cost you much less then creating MVP). I'd be happy to ta...


There are so many possibilities that come to mind, without knowing a lot more about what has lead you to this point, it is hard to offer any actionable advice. The first place I would start investigating is the top of your sales funnel. Are you getting students? Are they just not converting? Are...


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