
Results for: Operations Management

If you look at current stats for tourists and travellers, they want fast, technical experiences. Over 60 - 70% want instant bookings by looking on their mobile and getting the confirmation they need. You will attract more individuals by giving them the user experience they are looking for. With ...


This might be in my wheelhouse, but if not, I know who I can refer you to. I currently the Chief Growth Officer of a startup that has SaaS and Marketplace services. I’m in charge of growth strategy, revenue generation, customer retention, GTM strategy, pricing strategy, distribution channels, fun...


The best way is always through helping your people to grow. Think about the micro managers motivation - typically it is fear driven. Alleviate that fear. Give them the One Minute Manager book and talk about it... If they are tough to approach, hire an outside consultant to come in and talk w...


it sounds like you've already answered your own question – you needed a COO yesterday. I would disagree with your CMO that adding a COO is just adding "another layer". It is, in fact, what keeps the lights on. If your house isn't in order, everything else falls apart. With 26 employees, one of y...


Hi! I would be careful in compensating only by commission. This will give you the kind of sales reps you might not want. If you were to invest your time, would you not want to receive some kind of fixed fee for the invested time? Also, by paying commission based, you are telling the sales guy t...


Depend on how much you willing to invest to do the validation. The methods vary due to many factors such as the nature of business, the ease of collecting data, quality of the information produced, set of assumptions made, etc. From a simple survey to a structured survey ... From an empirical a...


1.Yes first you ought to secure permit within and without the boarders 2.Search people with proven_track records in Auditing and Inspection with 5 and 10 minimum and maximum experience respectively 3.Also check your competitors around and double up your work strategies . call me for more strategi...


Setting up a proper accounting system should be your #1 priority. There are many services such as Webgility that will sync your inventory with Quickbooks, Xero, etc and all of your sales channels (ebay, ecommerce, etsy, etc).


Depending on the age group your strategy should vary from international fairs or international catalogs great companies like sunwing or Catai are always looking to expand their reach! Strongly recommend real state corporations to publicise your product!


This is a great question. One of my associates works for a software company that is deploying an "in-house" solution for a major cement provider. The client had previously been working with commercial solution but quickly determined that a customized solution was more appropriate for their needs....


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