
Results for: B2B

I'm unclear about your requirement for "industrial". But i can offer Nimbus Portal Technologies as a success - they offer document management and secure team/client communications in the cloud. They are the dominant supplier in AU/NZ mainly because they integrate with...


Hey, Wordpress is a good choice if you only want to display products, videos, and blogs. Wordpress is pretty fast. So, it will certainly help you in scoring high in terms of speed. Mobile and desktop experience can also be balanced. That said, almost everything depends on finding a Wordpress the...


No one, including experts like myself, can really tell you if an idea is viable. The only way to really know is to validate the idea in the market. Look at my full answer on how to do this here: I've successfully helped over 300 en...


Start by getting a doctor to 'sponsor' you - to recommend it to their patients. Give them a few for free so their patients can try it out - which will get the physician sold on it. Meanwhile, also start reaching out to the right people in the appropriate insurance companies through LinkedIn a...


There are a number of factors that could be attributing to not having much success. Most likely, it is your messaging. Are you framing everything you say around how your product/service solves the problem your ideal client is facing? For example, if they are banging their head against the wall ...


As your targets are SME companies with 3 or more developers you can use LinkedIn premium search for finding the list of top executives of the companies and send them in-mails for partnership! Another great source for you could be outsourcing websites where US development companies are represente...


For pure B2B, nothing beats the free and fee offerings at


The best way to get leads for a B2B solution is to do prospecting research online. What should you look for? Very depends on your type and stage of business. Assuming you are completely new here are some questions that would get you started: 1) What problem are the business you are looking fo...


Lead generation or in more specific form, prospect building is done by almost all companies in some form or the other. The traditional approach of lead generation is rapidly going through a transitioning stage. The need of the hour is to be smart and gain competitive advantage by utilizing “Time ...


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