Joy Broto Nath A Optimistic,Resilient,Mindful, & Skilful HR

I am a global Indian and a meticulous, mindful, skilful, and efficient HR professional with five years of extensive experience in hiring and training procedures for new employees in Indian companies. I am an avid reader and have a vast knowledge of various topics like self-growth, productivity, business & career, leadership, negotiation, and society, technology, etc.


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Prototyping is the term used in developing software, electronics, and physical products. Piloting is the term used in developing a new process, management system or service.
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Currently SEO manager, Social Media Manager are in high demand as everything is going online. There are several sites that can help you one of them being !
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I would advice you to understand the three stages of focus namely, Orienting, Selective Attention, Open Awareness. Currently I believe you are in Orienting stage. Try to move on to the next stage and that would help.
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Holding funds in a two-sided market place can be industry specific. The magic word in these marketplace is "buy and sell freely" even if is just $10.
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If you wish to inflate supply side without user-activity, there are several good examples for that. It is however interesting to know that "supply side" is not only the one factor that influences the market place.
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Just like one plant a seed and nurture it from a sprout to a plant, a startup also requires proper nurturing, and that's where seed funding comes into the picture. The timing of raising seed money can have a huge impact on the outcome and before deciding on the appropriate timing, founders and entrepreneurs need to be prepared with a meticulous business plan, market research and roadmap for product development.
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Pricing a product is “probably the toughest thing there is to do,” according to an expert. Pricing your product usually involves considering certain key factors, including pinpointing your target customer, tracking how much competitors are charging, and understanding the relationship between quality and price.
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UX copywriting skill is one of them. This builds a stronger connection between design and text, which can massively improve product development and minimize revisions. Both writers and designers are responsible for imagining different user interactions and exploring all the “what if” scenarios of their project. PayPal, for example, has a great interplay between text and design during their onboarding process. New users are provided with a quick walkthrough that shows the key account menus and explains their purpose using conversational language.
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Think of a few apps that you use very often. Is there a way that you could take the most useful features and meld them together to form a new type of app? Write down any of these ideas even if you know an app already exists to solve this problem because as you will see in the next step, there may be an opportunity to make a better app than what currently exists. The next step is to validate your idea to make sure that it has a chance to thrive in the app store.
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Sometimes, startups allow you to get your money back if a company is not successful in raising sufficient funds, and if they guaranteed the return of your money. It’s worth noting that startup investments are generally not tradeable like stocks. You should expect to hold onto your investment until the company goes public or is acquired.
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